CLimate change IMpacts and ADAPTation group

Our Research

The "Climate change IMpacts and ADAPTATION (CLIMADAPT)" group consists of Dr. Giannakopoulos, Research Director at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) accompanied by a number of Post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D. students, informatics experts and technical staff. Physicists, climatologists, environmentalists, environmental engineers, and informatics experts are contacting world class research and services within the strategic priorities set by the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD) of NOA in response to the current and future environmental challenges due to climate change for a sustainable future.

The CLIMADAPT group focuses on studies of the past, current and future climate trends and extremes, on the assessment of the environmental and social impacts of climate change and on adaptation and mitigation measures. We are involved in numerous research projects that have required extensive collaboration with several academic and research bodies in Greece and abroad, and we have steadily established strong links with the public and private sector and administrative authorities.

The research activities of CLIMADAPT concern a) Tools and methodologies to analyse data from meteorological stations and/or climate models using climate indicators to represent both mean, extremes and trends. b) Quantitative assessment of climate change impacts on several sectors e.g tourism, agriculture, health, forest fires, energy demand for the prelocal scales tailored for stakeholder/policy maker needs , including contribution in developing online web-tools for future climate change adaptation policies. ent and future periods (by 2100) based on regional to climate models projections, observations and statistical impact models. c) Production of detailed climate information for several sectors (such as agriculture and forest fires) at regional to local scales tailored for stakeholder/policy maker needs , including contribution in developing online web-tools for future climate change adaptation policies.

Climate Models - Climate data

Climate models are computer programs that simulate weather patterns over time and can estimate the Earth's average patterns - the climate - under different conditions(stimulating natural climate processes and reproduce atmospheric and oceanic conditions)

Climate Services

Group activities are targeted towards :