CLimate change IMpacts and ADAPTation group
Dr Christos Giannakopoulos was one of the main speakers in the training workshop ‘Army and Climate Change :Prevention - Adaptation - Impacts of Climate Change’ organized by the Hellenic Army General Staff. The one day event was held at the Armed Forces Officers' Club (LAED) in Athens. Dr Giannakopoulos’ presentation was about ‘Climate Change, Extreme Events and Impacts in Greece with emphasis on the Armed Forces.
Dr Christos Giannakopoulos was one of the main speakers, in the first one-day event for the shading industry, organised by the Hellenic Solar Shading Association (HSSA), on December, 2 2024, at the Benaki Museum (138 Pireos St., Athens), titled “The Contribution of Shading to the Energy Efficiency of Buildings”. Dr Giannakopoulos talked about ‘’The challenges of the climate crisis & its long-term impacts on Europe & Greece’’.
Dr Christos Giannakopoulos was one of the keynote speakers of the OpenEARTH 2: Conference on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. The 2nd International Conference OpenEARTH 2024, organised by LIFE ClimaMED, took place from 26 to 28 November in Rethymnon, Crete. Participants engaged in discussions focused on sustainability and climate change. Dr Christos Giannakopoulos had a presentation regarding ‘’Climate services in support of adaptation policies in the agribusiness sector’’ in the plenary session of the conference .
Christos Giannakopoulos, Tim van der Schriek and Gianna Kitsara from the CLIMADAPT team participated in the annual meeting of LIFE MareNatura project, which took place in Plaka, Athens. Dr. Tim van der Schriek presented progress to date of action T3.2 and the overall contribution of NOA team to the project.
Dr Christos Giannakopoulos participated, with the CHOICE partners, in the 2nd Physical General Assembly at the IIASA premises in Laxenburg, Austria. This physical meeting marked the end of the first year of the project duration and an opportunity to evaluate progress and outline the next stages in advancing the project’s goals. Dr Giannakopoulos presented NOA’s work in WP7,WP3 during the 1rst year of the CHOICE project.
Dr Christos Giannakopoulos participated, as a speaker, at the two-day forum of the Municipality of Messine, titled as "Dialogue & Action: Climate Crisis, Forest Fires & Resilient Places". The forum took place on November 2 and 3, 2024 at the Messine City Hall and aims to bring together actors, experts and local communities to address the challenges of the climate crisis and forest fires, with an emphasis on resilience and sustainable development. Dr. Giannakopoulos had 2 presentations : ‘’FireRes project’’ and ‘’Climate Services for Institutions and the General Public’’.
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Giannis Lemesios on behalf of CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 3-days workshop for Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of East Macedonia-Thace , which took place in the cities of Komotini (14&15/10) and Xanthi (16/10) . The seminar was co-organized by the Green Fund and the Region of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace in the framework of LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project .
Gianna Kitsara, on behalf of CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 4th European Regional Conference of IAEG, held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from October 8th to 12th, 2024, with 2 poster presentations titled as: Climate Change Adaptation and Cultural Heritage: 1) The Case Study of the Archaeological site of Ancient Messene, Greece, 2) Evaluating the Effectiveness οf Landslide Mitigation Measures Using MCDA Methods and SNAP Software.
Myrto Gratsea and Anna Karali, members of the CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks presenting 2 posters: 1)Modelling future risk of forest and peri-urban fires for an eastern Mediterranean environment: the case of Greece and 2) Use of the return period methodology for the prediction of weather events with adverse impacts - case studies for the agricultural and hydrological sectors.
Tim van der Schriek, on behalf of CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 7th MedCLIVAR and the 12th SISC Annual Conference, from 24 to 27 September 2024 at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) presenting 3 posters: 1) Changing multidecadal precipitation characteristics and rising temperatures: an explanation for the extremely low volume of Lake Prespa (SW Balkans), 2) Quantifying the impact of climate change on tourism demand: the case of Greece, and 3) Using Intensity – Duration (ID) Thresholds and Remote Sensing Techniques to Address the Impact of Medicanes on Landslide Activation and Flooding