CLimate change IMpacts and ADAPTation group


  1. 1. 27 JUL 2024 - 02 AUG 2024 : Sixty-first Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-61)

    Dr. Christos Giannakopoulos participated, as the IPCC's focal point for Greece , in the Sixty-first Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-61) which took place in in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 27 July to 2 August 2024. The Session was dedicated, among other matters, to the outline of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities, the outline of the Methodology Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF) as well as the Strategic Planning Schedule for the seventh assessment cycle.

    Dr C. Giannakopoulos with the IPCC's secretery

    Dr C. Giannakopoulos with the IPCC's secretery


  2. 2. 28 JUN 2024: Adapting to climate change: threats and opportunities for landscape and cultural heritage management

    Dr Christos Giannakopoulos participated in the  Special Session ''Adapting to climate change: threats and opportunities for landscape and cultural heritage management'' of the 6th international conference on Changing Cities CCVI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions “Climate Crisis. Cities’ transitions towards smart & green development” helded in , Rhodes Island, Greece from 24 to 28 June 2024.
    Dr Giannakopoulos presented Climadapt's group new project ''CLIMADAT-hub :'High resolution gridded CLIMAte change DATasets for Greece''

  3. 3. 26 JUN 2024 - 28 JUN 2024 : 3-day workshop for Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of Peloponnese

    Giannis Lemesios, from CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 3-days workshop for Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of Peloponnese ,in the framework of LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project, which took place in  the headquarters of the Region in Sparti,  from 26 to 28 of June 2024. G Lemesios had an oral presentation titled as:, 'Online tools and use of climate indices' and participated in the conversations during panels and several sections of the workshop.

  4. 4. 19 JUN 2024: Climate Change and Security

    Gianna and John Lemesios from the CLIMADAPT team participated in the ESDC course “Climate Change and Security” organised by the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos, Deree & Center of Excellence in Sustainability, under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College  which took place in Athens at the Deree,  American College of Greece  . The CLIMADAPT team had oral presentation titled as: 'Use of tools developed within the framework of LIFE IP AdaptInGr ' and participated in the conversations during  the 1st Session: LIFE-IP AdaptInGr - Workshop on Vulnerability Assessment and Use of Climate Indicators for designing adaptation options of the workshop

  5. 5. 12 JUN 2024: Networking event of initiatives and projects for adaptation to climate change

    Dr Christos Giannakopoulos  and J. Lemesios from the CLIMADAPT team participated in the ''Networking event of initiatives and projects for adaptation to climate change"  that  tοοκ place  at the Serafion Building of the Municipality of Athens. The event was organized by the Green Fund, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency in the framework of the integrated LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project. Dr Christos Giannakopoulos, as the representative of Greece in the EU Mission Adaptation Working Group ,was one of the speakers at the Round Table: Challenges, Tools and Best Practices for Networking.

  6. 6. 22 MAY 2024: Joint meeting of the working group of the strategic configuration of the Horizon Europe programme

    Dr Christos Giannakopoulos participated in the ''Joint meeting of the working group of the strategic configuration of the Horizon Europe programme committee on the mission on adaptation to climate change &  the European Council Working Group on Adaptation '', which took place in Bruxelles. Dr C. Giannakopoulos, as the national representative, joined all discussions of the European Council Working Group on Adaptation.

  7. 7. 21 APR 2024: 2024 EQUINOX SUMMIT

    Dr. Christos Giannakopoulos, participated  in the 2024 EQUINOX SUMMIT,  organized by The Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate), and took place in Brussels, Belgium on March 26th , 2024.  With this second Equinox Summit, the JPI Climate builds on the achievements of the first edition by exploring a number of products that can be pursued to keep science up-to-date across the European research area. These products covered thematic areas such as:  Achieving climate neutrality, Climate resilience, Managing the transition and transformation, Complementary analysis: fundamental science

  8. 8. 18 APR 2024: Alumni Activities on Climate Justice and the Rights of Future Generations

    Dr Giannakopoulos gave a speech regarding climate change to a  group visit of 50 people under the initiative GCA Task Force on Climate Justice and the Rights of Future Generations at  NOA's Thisio Visitors  Centre. His speech was in the framework of Alumni Activities on Climate Justice and the Rights of Future Generations , where people from all over the world had the opportunity to explore ways to spearhead activities concerning climate justice and the rights of future generations at the alumni level. 

  9. 9. 04 APR 2024: The Urbanproof toolkit

    Mr. Giannis Lemesios MSc., representing CLIMADAT team, delivered a presentation titled “The Urbanproof toolkit: a powerful decision support systems for urban municipalities to adapt to climate changes”. The audience comprised postgraduate students from the School of Spatial Planning and Department of the Faculty of Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

  10. 10. 03 APR 2024 - 05 APR 2024 : 3-days workshop for Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of Central Macedonia

    Gianna Kitsara and Giannis Lemesios, from CLIMADAPT team, participated in the 3-days workshop for Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of Central Macedonia ,in the framework of LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project, which took place in  the headquarters of the Region in Thessaloniki,  from 3 to 5 of April 2024. CLIMADAPT team had oral presentations titled as: 'Climate Change projections in the Region of Central Macedonia' , 'Online tools and use of climate indices' and participated in the conversations during panels and several sections of the workshop.

TV/Radio Interviews

  • Interview of Dr Christos Giannakopoulos in HELLENIC PARLIAMENT TV in the frame of the CLIMACT project, 26/09/2020
  • On Sunday, November 14, 2021, Hellenic Link–Midwest presented Dr. Giannakopoulos in an online lecture titled "Climate Change, Extreme Events and Impacts for Greece in the Near and Distant Future ”. This lecture was supported by the Hellenic Foundation, Chicago.

Articles in press

  • Interview of Dr Christos Giannakopoulos in Suddeutsche Zeitung (German Newspaper), Article Title ‘’Überleben auf dem Hotspot’’, October 23, 2021
  • Article of Christos Giannakopoulos in a special issue of the newspaper ‘’Efimerida ton Syntakton’’ dedicated to Climate Change , June 2021


  • Six newsletters, in the frame of the MED-GOLD project, that can be found here
  • Five newsletters, in the frame of the CLIMACT project, that can be found here (2021)